Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3

After taking some time off from writing these, I feel as though i might get back into doing it again. Not sure it will be everyday as it was before, but a thought of Surrender here and there as I feel it.

Thought for today:

Does the ocean tide that crashes ashore in Maine wish it were the ocean tide on Maui?

Does the Maple tree spend even an instant in thought wishing it were an Elm tree?

Does an Elephant yearn to be a Duck?

Then why is it that you and I spend even an instant wanting to be something other than who we are or where we are?

Ah, but I hear you say, "But I must dream and have goals, I must achieve and become something".

I say to you, "You are something. Your dreams are here. This instant is perfect".

Follow the lessons of nature. Move out of your ego-mind and into your Beingness and Surrender to what is.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Lassie, your timing - as always - is so divinely wonderful!! I was SO happy to see an "S.O.S." in my email box this morning. :)

    Thank you for sharing your insights and inspirations with us, my friend. I, for one, am most grateful. xoxo
