Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1

Love comes to each of us in countless ways each day.

Are you taking notice of:

The love your body shows to you each day as it wakes.

The love your animals show you with their purring, tail-wagging and unbounded joy.

The love in a smile sent just to you by a stranger on the street or in a store.

The Love sent by God each day, to you, in all Its glory.

Count your blessings and count the love given to you each day.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lisa, I found this post to be a calming factor as I choose every moment to be present. The act of being present allows us to accept the present moment, feel the essence of life that underlies our very existence. We aren't separate entities, but connected through life.

    Thanks for letting go of your fear. Without taking that step, you wouldn't have found such a huge capacity to give of yourself, to "surrender" I think you may call it, this blog.

    Be well
